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Vision of Mathematics Department
To impart mathematical knowledge which is relevant to the core engineering subjects as per university curricula in graduate students studying in different engineering streams.
Mission of Mathematics Department
1: To help young souls through dedicated teaching, commitment and innovative instructional methods, in discovering their talents.
2: To afford a high level of competence in the study of Engineering Mathematics.
3: To provide the ground work to produce graduates committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening their knowledge horizons in range and depth.
4: To support the developmental activities of the College by contributing in areas of emphasis such as faculty, laboratories, library etc.
Vision of Physics Department
To make foundation of students in excellence and spar development of the institute as a premier seat of knowledge by cultivating and nurturing enthusiasm, interests and passion, in the study of Physics globally, in professional courses as a part of curricula. 
Mission of Physics Department

      1.      To motivate the young minds to unfold their capabilities and talents through uncompromising dedication to teaching and innovative instructional methods.

      2.      To make the mapping of Physics in every steps relevant to engineering.

      3.      To organize and sustain high quality operating system in the department of physics for realization of objectives as institution of eminence with international standard.

Vision of The Department
To build foundation for development of the Institute by igniting and nurturing enthusiasm, interests and passion, in the study of chemistry in professional courses, as a part of curricula.
Mission of The Department
1: To guide the young souls in helping them to discover their talents through dedicated teaching, commitment and innovative instructional methods.
2: To afford a high level of competence in the study of Engineering Chemistry.
3: To provide the ground work to produce graduates committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening their knowledge horizons in range and depth.
4: To support the developmental activities of the College by contributing in areas of emphasis such as faculty, laboratories, library etc.
5: To sustain efficient operating systems towards realization of our objectives, as Institution of eminence and International standards.